In Sci-Tech's 13 years of existance, a number of outlets for students interested in journalism have existed, notably including The Byte (a retired newspaper), and the Sci‑Tech News. (morning announcements, skits, etc.) The purpose of The Dorsal is to allow students at Sci-Tech to express their skills in journalism, writing, photography, and web design in a traditional newspaper environment. While bullying and defamation is not tolerated, it is the intention of The Dorsal to allow for relatively uncensored critisism of the school's policies and systems, thus the newspaper is entirely student lead, edited, and fundraised.
This website was initially designed and built as an exercise in the Django web framework and to allow Sci-Tech's journalistic web presence to match the standard of that of other high school newspapers in the city. (see The Foreword, and The CAPA Chronicle). It is designed with the intention of constant improvement by students and is open‑sourced for educational purposes.